Why Is Corneal Thickness Important For LASIK?

Posted on: 11/16/18

Lasik Surgery, Refractive Surgery

LASIK has become a popular procedure in recent years. For people who have struggled with glasses and contacts, LASIK seems like the answer! But part of making sure LASIK is safe for the patient involves evaluating them for the procedure. While most people qualify for LASIK, some do not. One of the reasons? The thickness…

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Smiling Young Woman

Is Keratoconus Treatable?

Posted on: 09/27/18

Keratoconus Surgery

Keratoconus is a progressive corneal degeneration that results in thinning of the cornea and bulging of the lower cornea. Many factors play a role in the development of keratoconus, notably genetics and rubbing of the eyes. In advanced cases, the eye can become painful and require a corneal transplant. With keratoncous, oftentimes glasses and contact…

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