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What Is SMILE Eye Surgery?

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SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) eye surgery is a type of laser vision correction surgery that is used to correct nearsightedness. SMILE eye surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a femtosecond laser to create a thin, circular lenticule within the cornea, which is then removed through a small incision. This procedure can correct nearsightedness and astigmatism, and it may have advantages over LASIK because it is less invasive and may result in fewer corneal flap complications. SMILE eye surgery can be an effective way to correct vision problems since it is less invasive than other procedures and can result in fewer complications. It is also a quick and relatively painless procedure and can help to improve vision quickly and safely.

The procedure itself only takes about 15 minutes, and patients are usually able to resume their normal activities within a day or two. Recovery time is much shorter than with other types of vision correction surgery, and patients can expect to see improved vision in just a few days. Patients usually report excellent vision results with minimal downtime, making it a great choice for an active lifestyle.

To get more information on which procedure best suits you or if you are a candidate for SMILE LASIK, call 303-486-2020 or schedule your free laser vision consultation at Cutarelli Vision.

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Dr. Cutarelli was the first LASIK surgeon in the Denver area to offer his patients All-Laser LASIK - utilizing the most exciting combination of technological LASIK advancements, delivering the best possible visual outcomes and the sharpest laser vision correction possible. Cutarelli Vision is a leader in LASIK surgery in Colorado. People travel from across the country to receive our expert care. If you're seeking world-class LASIK - Cutarelli Vision is your destination.