Posted on: 09/23/19

Lasik Surgery

Are you thinking about getting LASIK eye surgery? Are you worried about picking a time to schedule it?

There are so many different things to consider when booking your LASIK procedure. There are many benefits to getting LASIK in the fall. Keep reading to find out what some of them are!

Fall is a Calmer Season

Summer is one of the busiest seasons. We have to manage more travel. If you have kids, it’s all about how you’ll entertain them every day.

Your life should be calmer after the summer is over! For most of us, fall is a calmer season.

You should get your LASIK consultation in before things get crazy with the holidays. You will love not having to worry about your glasses or contacts this winter.

Forget Dry Eye Problems This Winter

During winter, the air is drier, and the heat gets cranked up. Your eyes can be sensitive to the temperature changes and cold weather.

If dry air tends to irritate your eyes, you should get LASIK eye surgery in the fall. In the fall, the air has more moisture, which makes your recovery a lot easier.

Also, if you like being outdoors in winter, getting LASIK in the fall will let you have more fun outside. Skiing or making snowmen with your kids will be much easier!

Experience Less Sun With LASIK in the Fall

After LASIK, you do not want to get a lot of time in the sun, because it will be frustrating and uncomfortable. Waiting until the fall means that the days are shorter.

You won’t have to worry about the stronger rays and longer days of summer. By having LASIK in the fall, you and your eyes will be more comfortable.

Skip Spring Allergies

Another perk of getting LASIK in the fall is avoiding the worst allergy seasons in spring and summer. For people with springtime allergies, it’s a bad time to get the procedure.

It makes your recovery process more challenging than it needs to be. Getting LASIK in the fall lets you avoid the worst symptoms of allergy season during the spring.

Wearing contacts makes allergy season worse because they hold allergens underneath them. Get LASIK this fall to avoid wearing contacts through another miserable allergy season.

Enjoy More Activities Without Contacts and Glasses

Glasses and contacts have a way of putting a damper on enjoying activities. You want to enjoy yourself but they can make it more difficult and challenging.

You want to go skiing or jump in a pile of leaves with your kids without worrying about glasses or contacts. Enjoy your favorite spring, summer, and winter activities by getting LASIK in the fall!

Have More Fun This Holiday Season

Forget about needing contacts or glasses this holiday season by getting LASIK. There is no better gift to give yourself than the gift of better vision.

Think about what it would be like to wake up and see clearly. Imagine how easy it is to travel without needing to pack contact solution and eye drops.

Also, now you can enjoy parties without worrying about wearing glasses in pictures. This could be your reality if you get LASIK this fall!

Wondering if you could be a good LASIK candidate? Schedule your LASIK consultation at Cutarelli Vision in Fort Collins, CO today!