Posted on: 04/16/24

Lasik Surgery

Are you considering LASIK eye surgery in Denver? This popular vision correction procedure has helped countless people achieve clearer vision and reduce their dependence on glasses or contact lenses. 

However, before you take the leap and schedule your LASIK appointment, there are several important things you should know to ensure the best possible outcome. Keep reading to learn four things you must know before LASIK in Denver!

1. Are You A Good Candidate for LASIK?

Determining whether you’re a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery depends on several factors. Ideal candidates should be at least eighteen years old, have stable vision for at least a year, and have no significant eye health issues. 

Your corneas should be thick enough for the procedure, and your pupil size should be within acceptable limits. Certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders or diabetes, may disqualify you from LASIK. 

A comprehensive eye exam with your Denver LASIK surgeon at Cutarelli Vision is essential to assess your suitability for the procedure and discuss potential risks and benefits based on your individual needs and expectations.

2. What Can LASIK Accomplish?

LASIK is a popular refractive surgery that can correct various vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. By reshaping the cornea, LASIK allows light to focus more accurately on the retina, resulting in clearer vision and reduced dependence on glasses or contact lenses.

However, it’s essential to understand that LASIK primarily addresses issues related to the cornea and cannot correct vision problems originating from other parts of the eye. For example, presbyopia, an age-related condition that causes difficulty focusing on close-up objects, occurs due to changes in the eye’s lens. 

As a result, LASIK cannot alleviate the need for reading glasses in patients with presbyopia. During your LASIK consultation, your eye doctor will assess your vision needs, discuss your goals, and determine whether LASIK is the most appropriate treatment option for you. 

They will also explain the procedure’s limitations and help you set realistic expectations for your post-surgery vision. 

3. Arrange Transportation

After your LASIK surgery, you won’t be able to drive yourself home. The medication given to you during the procedure and the temporary changes to your vision will make it unsafe for you to get behind the wheel.

To make sure you get home safely, ask a friend or family member to pick you up after your LASIK appointment. They should be ready to drive you straight home and help you with anything you need as you start your recovery.

Your eye doctor’s team will give you specific instructions about what to do after your procedure, including how to handle transportation. Make sure you follow their advice and ask any questions you have about taking care of yourself after LASIK. 

4. Take Care of Yourself After LASIK

After your LASIK surgery, it’s crucial to follow your eye doctor’s instructions for recovery, even if your eyes feel great. They’ll give you specific guidelines to help your eyes heal properly and minimize the risk of complications.

One important step is wearing an eye shield while you sleep, which prevents you from accidentally rubbing your eyes during the night. Your eye doctor may also prescribe eye drops to help prevent infection and keep your eyes lubricated.

To avoid irritating your eyes, you’ll likely need to skip wearing eye makeup for a few weeks after your surgery. If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, don’t hesitate to reach out to your eye doctor’s office for help.

Are you ready to find out if LASIK is right for you? Schedule a LASIK consultation at Cutarelli Vision in Colorado Springs, CO, today!